What We Do
The individuals that we work with at FAME India, have moderate to severe Neuro-Developmental Disability (NDD).
This means that they as well as their caregivers will need to prepare not only for the typical growing years but for the several decades that come after. To this end, we provide a nurturing environment that actively aims towards the ability to thrive. It is a lifetime of adaptation and learning both for the person with a disability as well as for the caregiver/s. At FAME India, we aim to be a resource that both of them can draw learning, support, and reassurance during that journey. Our daily work is a holistic mix of training, strengthening skills, assessing, evaluating, mental health and wellbeing, community training, family integration and identifying the inherent skills to enable our students to lead life more independently and with dignity.

Talking About Our Work
Our daily language, even without us knowing, has the power to spark radical change and also exclude people from society.
When we say ‘'children with disabilities' over 'disabled children' we offer the children with individuality and autonomy.
A term like ‘impairment’ is used to refer to the loss or limitation of physical, mental or sensory function on a long-term or permanent basis. ‘Disability’, on the other hand is used to describe the condition whereby physical and/or social barriers prevent a person with an impairment from taking part in the normal life of the community on an equal footing with others.
Our Priorities
Our priorities —sustenance, and thriving— are achieved through training, fostering daily independence, health, and promoting family integration. The following areas of focus form a practical & ethical framework for our lifespan approach:

Practical Skill Training:
Writing your own name. Brushing your teeth. Tying laces.
Functional language training
Physical training
Practicing motor skills
Learning patience and social skills
Engaging with society

Health Enrichment:
Sitting upright on a chair. Learning to respond to small cues.
Cognitive and behavioral wellness
Physical health tracking and support
Awareness of self and self-soothing practices

Everyday Life Skills:
How to cross a street. Learning how to eat a meal unassisted.
Fostering daily independence
Skills for self-care and self-reliance
Fostering individuality and empowerment

Partnering with Family:
Empowering families to provide care. Weekly calls about their child’s path to thriving. Providing respite care for the livelihoods of parents and caregivers.
Integrating family into self-care routines
Fostering support systems
Creating awareness about NDD