Meaning and Purpose

Nikhitha a 21 year old born with Intellectual Disability (ID) and microcephalus (a rare neurological condition in which the head is smaller than normal compared to others of same age and sex). She was disowned by her father due to her conditions and ever since then, her grandmother has been her primary caregiver.
Despite the odds stacked against her, there is nothing that Nikhitha cannot do. She cooks, cleans, helps her grandmother in all household chores, is physically very active and independent too. She has been at the Day Activity Centre for the last four years and was a part of the CFC before that. In addition to basic functional academics, at CFC she learned daily living skills, self-care and how to be independent. She understands the importance of working and living in a healthy manner. She loves making paper bags and paper cups at DAC.

Nikitha’s story is a testament to how much practical skill development makes an individual feel confident, happy and provides a sense of purpose to daily living. Nikhitha’s grandmother says, “FAME INDIA has helped her achieve a sense of purpose, even if I am not there, I know that she is in safe hands.”