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Impact And Intervention: A Story

It's All About The Details

Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) need high levels of support and stability when they perform routine tasks. Day to day routine activities can present an insurmountable challenge. Even something as simple as using the bathroom unassisted, something which a majority of people take for granted. Yet, it is in such activities where timely interventions provide dignity and independence to individuals. In Tanoj Kumar’s case, our outreach team identified this problem and made use of local low-cost resources to build a disabled-friendly toilet for him.

Tanoj is a five-year old with CP. The toilet was made with two discarded auto tyres and a plastic container. One of the biggest advantages is that this innovation can be replicated at scale as the raw material is easily available and is cost-effective.

Tanoj’s mother says, “The toilet is low in height and Tanoj is able to use it without our assistance. It has given him a hygienic and safe sanitary experience”.

In many cases, interventions concern themselves with simple things and yet provide impact that is truly profound on a human level. At FAME, we focus on all the little details that make a life more independent and humane.

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